More than 100 countries
Fast delivery
How it works?
The Giver doesn`t have access to your delivery data: country, city, delivery address, phone
To give a gift, you don`t need to fill in the delivery address and know the location address of the recipient of the gift
Option 1
If you want to make a gift in a few clicks without filling in the delivery details
Or if you don't know the recipient's address
Send a request to the recipient to confirm the gift, the recipient himself indicates a convenient time and place of delivery. From the notification of a confirmed gift, you go to the catalog and buy a gift.
Send a gift technologically
Option 2
If you want to receive gifts from subscribers and friends from all over the world
at the same time, so that your location remains inaccessible to the Givers
Submit your link and receive real, not virtual gifts
Start receiving gifts
Option 3
How to make a gift using the YouGiver link?
Registration is not required for the Giver, click on the posted YouGiver link
You are immediately taken to the catalog of gifts available in the recipient's city.

If the desired recipient does not have a link, you can send a link to register in the service, after registration the recipient will have a personal link to receive gifts
Give a gift
Option 4
If you don`t want to publish your personal link in the public domain
Send your YouGiver link in private messages
Only those people to whom you have transferred your link will be able to make a gift to you
Start receiving gifts